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Feel Good with the World’s First Self-Care Fragrance Brand

Self-care is more than just a social media hashtag, and a lot more than just spending precious hours pampering yourself at a spa. If your idea of Self-care had you going online and buying those limited-edition items that can make you Look Good, it’s time for some thinking to be done. What about finally finding some “me time” to binge-watch your favourite series on Netflix, all night long? Does that account for Self-care? Well!    

Self-care is deeper than you may have imagined. Self-care is waking up in the wee hours of dawn, lighting up some incense and sitting down in profound quietude. Self-care is self-reflection. If it is not losing yourself in the patterns of a drawing and connecting those dots to recreate what you envisioned, what is it then? Self-care is when overwhelming positive vibrations draw a façade over uncomfortable situations.

Self-care is finding the energy and motivation to replenish your mind and body by doing things that make you Feel Good. It is wanting to sit by the park bench by yourself, synchronizing your breath – in and out – as you watch little children swing. Self-care is when you have the urge to Do Good to yourself, take the effort to check in on yourself every now and then, and tune into those thoughts more often. Self-care is an act of selfless indulgence. 

It is the act of focusing on your core, finding your centre and filling up that space with colours, flavours, smells and experiences you enjoy. It is when you decide to power off those virtual devices and engage more physically with your loved ones. Self-care is truly an art, an ability to care for oneself through awareness of your senses and control over your actions.

The World’s First Self-care Fragrances from Silent Valley, have been curated with the purpose of evoking feelings of self-indulgence – so that one may smell, feel and live a life of optimal health and well-being. With exotic and tropical ingredients handpicked from the lap of nature, our magical fragrances are a source of boundless joy, passionate intentions, mindful emotions and peaceful vibrations!

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